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The journey so far

Today the website goes alive, there is a growing group of investors and the company is about to register. How did we reach this stage?

Back in 2011, Zanzibar representatives visited Amsterdam and realised that the model of Stadsherstel Amsterdam could be successful in Zanzibar as well. A year later, a presentation on Zanzibar brought a group of investors and governmental parties together and a decision was made to explore the possibilities.

Another year later, the preparations were advanced and the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherland decided to support the process further. Since then a project team, together with a project manager from the Amsterdam based NGO AAmatters, was working closely together with Stadsherstel Amsterdam on feasibility studies, the structure of the company, approaching investors etc. Step by step, plans firmed up, the group grew, articles and memorandums were put together and the concept that was successful in Amsterdam was adjusted to Zanzibar conditions.

In February 2014 we were honoured with the visit of the Dutch Minister of Trade and Development, who we toured around in Stone Town. We are looking forward to inviting her again in a year time for the opening of the first restored Hifadhi building!

(photo Daniel Hayduk)

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